A/C Repair

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1000+ Reviews - 5 Star Service

Twin Cities A/C Repair Services

a man servicing and air conditioning unit.

As a Minnesotan, you’re well aware of how our weather fluctuates drastically throughout the year. With temperatures well below zero to pushing close to 100 degrees, your HVAC system needs to be working efficiently to prevent costly utility bills. Our A/C repairmen are fully licensed and prepared to handle any A/C issue.

In partnership with our sister company, Furnace Doctors, we have over 40 years of experience diagnosing and repairing air conditioning units. Contact our team at Dust Doctors and Furnace Doctors for all your HVAC needs!

What Are Common A/C Issues?

  • Age
  • Damage to coils
  • Broken thermostat
  • Leaks
  • Damaged or dirty filters

Most people don’t pay much attention to how efficiently their air conditioning is running until there’s an issue, but most issues can be prevented or minimized with regular maintenance by licensed professionals.

A/C Services We Provide

Our technicians can handle a variety of maintenance tasks. If something breaks, we can immediately repair it with a house call.

To get help troubleshooting what might be wrong with your furnace or how we can help, contact us today.

Your Trusted Local Air Conditioning Contractors

At Dust Doctors, we’re committed to providing the best service possible. Our technicians are fully trained and certified to handle any issue that may arise with your air conditioning unit. Additionally, we offer continual training services to ensure each of our team members is educated on the latest technologies and industry trends. In short, we do everything we can to ensure you receive the best care possible!

We show up to every job in a professional manner, always arriving on time and wearing company-branded uniforms. You’ll never have to worry about who is coming into your home to clean, service, or repair your air conditioning unit. When you contact us for A/C repair, we will set up a time that works best for you. During your appointment, we’ll diagnose the problem and offer a fair, competitive price for repair or replacement. We’ll have everything we need on hand to fix your unit right then and there.

Contact Dust Doctors for A/C Repair

If you’re looking for air conditioning repair services, contact Dust Doctors today! With over 40 years of experience, we can help you make the necessary repairs, so your home is comfortable and safe for your family. To learn more about our services, please give us a call at 651-319-9777.

HVAC News & Information

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What Are Common Misconceptions About HVAC Cleaning?

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How Often Should Commercial HVAC Systems Be Cleaned?

How Often Should Commercial HVAC Systems Be Cleaned?

As Dust Doctors, we specialize in maintaining commercial HVAC systems to ensure they operate efficiently. Learn the best practices for HVAC maintenance... [Read More]

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