Having the air ducts cleaned annually reduces air pollution inside of the home while cutting down energy consumption as well. Beyond this though, maintaining a regular air duct cleaning schedule reduces potential for expensive HVAC repairs later on. It is a small job, yet a very important one, which is why you need to stick to an annual schedule.
Identify Problems Ahead of Time
Similar to regular maintenance on your vehicle, having the vents cleaned out makes it possible to identify problems within the HVAC system. During the cleaning process, problems with sagging vents, cracks in the HVAC system, loose connections and other issues are identified. Once identified, it costs much less to correct the minor issues than to wait and have more expensive problems develop over time. Heating and AC issues typically do not come up until the system is in heavy use. By spotting these problems before hand, it allows for less expensive maintenance.
Avoid Corrosion
Corrosion can happen anywhere in the house. Maybe a collection of dust or pet hair doesn't sound too terrible of a situation. However, as this collects and builds in certain areas of the vent system, it can clog access from your AC unit or the furnace. If one of these areas becomes clogged, the entire HVAC system needs to work harder to produce the desired temperature. This not only increasing energy bills throughout the year, but the heavier work load taken up by the furnace and AC can lead to over consumption of refrigerant and other necessary liquids, which may lead to leaks in the liquids. Once liquid begins to leak, it can corrode throughout the entire HVAC system. All of this happens simply due to the collection of dust, pet hair, dander and other issues.
By maintaining a regular air duct cleaning schedule, replacing the air filters on a regular basis and bringing in the vent cleaning professionals on an annual basis, all of this can be avoided. It may seem like an additional expense up front, but it goes a long way in saving money each and every month. Avoiding extensive repairs and corrosion is a must for all home owners.
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